Robin Johnson

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Robin is a founder of The Wholeness Network. She had a desire to create a safe place for people to heal.
She is known as The Heart Whisperer. She has a gift for seeing the soul and helping people unlock the wisdom and healing of their own heart. She is trained in Heart Centered Therapy and is a Reiki Master/Teacher. She is an ICF Certified Life Coach and created the Heart Coach Institute to train Heart-Centered Life Coaches worldwide. Robin holds classes and retreats monthly as well as having a private practice for working with clients.
Along with her gifts in the healing arts, she is a speaker, master creator, photographer and entrepreneur. Robin is a business intuitive helping people find the problems within their organization that are not obvious to the business mind.
As The Heart Whisperer, Robin lives from her heart. She loves being married to her sweetheart, Andrew and they have been married now for 33 years. They have four amazing children who are their treasures and bring joy, love, and laughter into their home. Andrew and Robin love date nights. biking and traveling together.